About the Business

Established in 1995 Atlantic Cleaning Services Limited, a private limited company, cleans many sites nationwide on a daily basis. Quality of service and the commitment from Directors, Managers, and staff have ensured that the company's retention rate is among the highest in the industry. Using over 35 years experience, Atlantic Cleaning Services has grown into a significant organisation by providing the highest quality cleaning and hygiene services in London and the South East. Atlantic Cleaning Services Limited is proud to acknowledge the response and success our revolutionary system of organizing and structuring the cleaning process.

We use only the latest innovative products and chemicals, digital audits of both staff and site, Area Supervisors that have all the information they require using digital tablets with GPS tracking for easy monitoring. We have built a significant variety of clients who have benefitted from our bespoke service that is tailored to each sites needs.

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Ponders End,
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    Atlantic Cleaning Services

  • Get Directions

    Enfield, Ponders End,